General Information
General info about the company, products and services
General Information
- SWAM Solo Woodwinds v3 main features improvements
- What is "Ambiente" and Why Should I Use It?
- Why Do SWAM Instruments Need to Use the Local Network?
- What Are SWAM Templates?
- Why Is It Called the SWAM Ecosystem Now?
- What Is the Purpose of Having Multiple Rooms in the Ambiente Room Simulator?
- Backward Compatibility with Previous Versions: Legacy Reverb Mode Explained
- Why Aren’t SWAM Solo Instruments v3.8.0 and SWAM String Sections v1.2.0 Available for iOS?
- Transition Information for New Room Simulator Ambiente
- Who is the owner of the SWAM technology?
- What's the difference between SWAM Saxophones and The Sax Brothers?
- Where do I find User Manuals?
- Where can I find a free VST/Host?
- Getting Started with Ambiente - An Overview
- The Story Behind Ambiente - From String Sections to Standalone Powerhouse
- Are you planning to create any Ensembles like Strings Ensembles and Brass Ensembles in the near future?
- SWAM Saxophones vs The Sax Brothers
What Are SWAM Templates?
Templates vs. Presets
The term "Template" was introduced with the v3.8 update for SWAM Solo Instruments and v1.2 for SWAM String Sections. This term replaces "Quick Reset" and "MIDI Preset" to clarify the subtle difference between applying/resetting settings and recalling a complete preset. In the SWAM ecosystem, "Presets" mainly refer to the synthesis engine and sound engine data. These can be combined with other settings like MIDI Mapping, Micro Tuning, and Room Simulator configurations.
When you apply a template, you modify specific parts of the system, such as MIDI Mapping for using a new controller or changing Room Simulator settings without altering the sound. This terminology shift helps users better understand and utilize the different functionalities within the SWAM ecosystem.
Other articles in this category
- SWAM Solo Woodwinds v3 main features improvements
- What is "Ambiente" and Why Should I Use It?
- Why Do SWAM Instruments Need to Use the Local Network?
- What Are SWAM Templates?
- Why Is It Called the SWAM Ecosystem Now?
- What Is the Purpose of Having Multiple Rooms in the Ambiente Room Simulator?
- Backward Compatibility with Previous Versions: Legacy Reverb Mode Explained
- Why Aren’t SWAM Solo Instruments v3.8.0 and SWAM String Sections v1.2.0 Available for iOS?
- Transition Information for New Room Simulator Ambiente
- Who is the owner of the SWAM technology?
- What's the difference between SWAM Saxophones and The Sax Brothers?
- Where do I find User Manuals?
- Where can I find a free VST/Host?
- Getting Started with Ambiente - An Overview
- The Story Behind Ambiente - From String Sections to Standalone Powerhouse
- Are you planning to create any Ensembles like Strings Ensembles and Brass Ensembles in the near future?
- SWAM Saxophones vs The Sax Brothers