String Sections
Here you will find everything related to the installation, activation, updates, release notes and manuals of our Virtual Instruments and Applications.
General Information
Product & License Management
How To...
- I Don't Hear a Difference When Adjusting the "Players Accuracy" Parameter... Is It Not Working?
- Why Are There Few Presets for the Strings Sections?
- Can I Use the Room Simulator for SWAM Solo Instruments?
- Can I Reuse a MIDI Preset Created with SWAM Solo Instruments?
- I Can't Achieve a "Scratch" Sound Effect Like in Solo Instruments, Is That Correct? / Increasing Bow Pressure Doesn't Produce a Scratch Sound Like in Solo Instruments.
- see all 13 articles >
Grow Your Knowledge
Known Issues
- Ensure the Divisi Number Is Different When Adding Multiple Sections of the Same Instruments Playing at Unison
- Why Do I Sometimes Hear Portamento, Especially in Fast Runs? / How to Control and Limit Portamento in SWAM String Sections.
- Experiencing CPU Issues When Running Multiple Instances of SWAM String Section. / Is My Computer Powerful Enough for SWAM String Sections?
- Are My SWAM Instruments Vanishing from the Ambiente Room Simulator a Bug?
What Are SWAM Templates?
Templates vs. Presets
The term "Template" was introduced with the v3.8 update for SWAM Solo Instruments and v1.2 for SWAM String Sections. This term replaces "Quick Reset" and "MIDI Preset" to clarify the subtle difference between applying/resetting settings and recalling a complete preset. In the SWAM ecosystem, "Presets" mainly refer to the synthesis engine and sound engine data. These can be combined with other settings like MIDI Mapping, Micro Tuning, and Room Simulator configurations.
When you apply a template, you modify specific parts of the system, such as MIDI Mapping for using a new controller or changing Room Simulator settings without altering the sound. This terminology shift helps users better understand and utilize the different functionalities within the SWAM ecosystem.